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This is a list of questions that I get asked a lot. If you have a question for me and don't see it on this list, feel free to send me an email or ask me anywhere on my socials!


I use a lot of different programs and tech for different things.

Here is a list of the things I use:


What do you use to draw?

On my PC I use an XP-PEN 22R Pro, which is a monitor that allows you to use a stylus to draw on it. For mobility, I use an iPad Pro with Apple Pencil to draw.


What programs do you use to draw?

  • PC: Clip Studio Paint to draw & Affinity Photo for finalizing

  • iPad: I use Procreate which is only available on IOS


Who made your 3D Avatar?

I did! I used VRoid Studio to make the model and I made the textures myself. However you can also go to Booth to download VRoid assets and textures for your models! I use a regular webcam and VSeeFace for my face tracking.


How do I start streaming?

You don't need a lot to be able to stream. If you want to start streaming, you'll have to download either OBS or StreamlabsOBS to be able to stream your content to Twitch, YouTube, or whatever other streaming site you want to use. What's the difference? OBS is a bit more advanced, less user friendly, and you can add a lot of plugins for the program; where StreamlabsOBS is a bit more simple and much more friendly to newbies, but you won't be able to add plugins most of the time. Then you'll need a mic so people can hear you talk. You honestly could stop there and just stream with those, but you can also either get a webcam so people can see you or make a 3D model / PNG avatar in place of your webcam.


There is a lot more to streaming than just streaming whatever you're doing. You'll have to be active on social media and upload clips of your streams to YouTube/TikTok and a number of other things. All I can say is, just be yourself and learn how to carry on conversation even when no one is watching or being active in your chat. Odds are, there are most likely people lurking in your stream and if you're not talking then they probably won't stay to watch.


How can I improve my art and/or find my art style?

The only way to improve your skills with art is practice. You can't get better at something if you don't put the work in to improve. What do you practice to get better? Anything. Draw whatever you want to get better at. If you want to draw people, study anatomy and do gesture drawings. If you want to draw animals, do the same thing except study animal anatomy and gesture drawings of them. The list goes on.


If you're wanting to find your own art style, the best way I learned was "copying" other styles. What I mean by that is, taking elements from other art styles and meshing them into your own. For example, I liked how Tite Kubo (mangaka of Bleach) drew faces, and I liked how Trigger Animation Studio (Kill La Kill, Darling In The Franxx, etc) drew bodies, so I learned how to incorporate some of their styling into my own art style.

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